The best of Team Building and motivational events in Paris - France

Team Building Paris

Movies and Moguls

Movies and Moguls is a blockbuster team building program, set in the movie industry and designed to highlight the impact of appropriate resource allocation.

team building MM
team building MM
During the program, participants have an opportunity to interact with almost everyone in the room, making it a perfect way to jumpstart a conference or meeting. People quickly move into a high level of interaction, with the momentum building throughout the program and spilling over into the remainder of your conference.

The Experience

Movies and Moguls places individuals in the heart of the movie industry in the role of producers and specialized agents with the goal of making as much money as possible. Producers must assemble the necessary resources to create the most effective movie possible within a specific category. They must negotiate contracts with several agents in order to secure their talent, the screenplay, the movie score, their location and the movie’s special effects. As resources are committed, teams create movie posters designed to illustrate the talent they have acquired and to market their movie to the public.

Key Learning Points

Discover how optimal allocation of resources impacts results

Develop skills to maximize opportunities through transactions

Uncover ways to add value to internal and external service


Build productive relationships

Master resource allocation

Manage through change

Improve customer satisfaction

Achieve greater results

Practical Details

48 to over 500 participants
1.5 – 2 hours per session
Suitable for cross-functional and intact teams at all levels
Ideal for a conference setting

Eagles Team Building

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Gallery Musical Team Building
beatswork 2
One Voice Patricia Samuel
One Voice
Beatswork 3
Street music 2
Blues Express 2
Gallery Paris
Old parisian metro
versailles water
versailles water 2
tuileries park
st louis island and notre-dame
seine austerlitz